
Advent Tree. Consider taking an envelope from the Advent tree in the vestibule and returning a donation to the St. Bernadette Fund, which helps parishioner families in need.

Offertory envelopes for 2023 are available in the room between the office and bookstore.

Registrations for First Holy Communion. Registrations are available for children who will turn seven before May of next year. Forms can be obtained from the parish bookstore or office; they are due by SunJan 1. Please provide a baptismal certificate with registration.

Order beeswax and other devotional candles at the bookstore. They will be blessed at Candlemas, on Feb 2. All orders must be in by Wed, Jan 4.

Categories Uncategorized | Tags: | Posted on December 11, 2022

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Mass Times & Directions

Weekend Masses

Saturday: 7:00 am, 9:00 am

Sunday High Mass: 10:30 am

Sunday Low Mass: 8:30 am, 1:00 pm

Weekday Masses

Monday and Wednesday: 7:00 am, 12:15 pm

Tuesday and Thursday: 7:00 am, 6:30 pm

Friday: 7:00 am, 12:00 pm, 6:30 pm

Please check our bulletin for more information.

5461 44th Street
Sacramento, CA 95820
(916) 455-5114